Regions of cooperation
Today the company "LEKA" is one of the leading construction and installation companies of domestic production. We regularly expand the scope of our activities, as well as the range of products. Our partners are leading construction companies - Bi-group, SK Basis, Kazindustrial Group LLP, Absolute Kazakhstan-C LLP, ASTANA-TUKS LLP and many others, which are rapidly gaining career growth and authority in their industry, companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
For the manufacture of Leka equipment, a production site located in the city of Karaganda is used. The use of equipment from leading European manufacturers, such as SPIRO, TRUMPF, HACO, EUROMAC, RAS, AMADA, allows you to create a full range of ventilation and ventilation equipment, air aspiration and filtration, as well as metal products of various configurations and configurations. Metal doors, cargo and office racks of various carrying capacities, wardrobes and storage rooms, mailboxes, decorative radiator grilles, metal sliding and swing gates - this is not a complete list of products that we are ready to sell for you on time.
LEKA LLP is looking for talented and passionate people to work in corporate interests. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the many opportunities and benefits of working for an organization.
Ангела Меркель
Канцлер ГерманииА́нгела Дороте́я Ме́ркель (нем. Angela Dorothea Merkel, урождённая Каснер (нем. Kasner); род. 17 июля 1954, Гамбург, ФРГ) — немецкий деятель.
Энтони Старк
Железный человекЭнтони Эдвард «Тони» Старк (англ. Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark) — персонаж, изданий Marvel Comics и их адаптаций, созданный писателем Стэном Ли в марте 1963 года.
Геннадий Головкин
Чемпион мира по боксуГенна́дий Генна́дьевич Голо́вкин — казахстанский боксёр-профессионал, выступающий в средней весовой категории.